Q&A: Poker Study Apathy, Playing JTo & Learning from ... In this episode, I answer 4 questions about studying through your apathy, listening to old SPS episodes, playing JTo and learning from LIVE showdown hands. In episode 205, I discussed the 5 key concepts that every fresh-faced poker student must explore. What Are Good Starting Poker Hands - turkonshop.com “WTSD”: Went to Showdown. This refers to the percentages of instance you decide to showdown after you see the flop. This poker stat shows you if you showdown or much with marginal or weak hands. This also gives you an idea if you fold too much or play too tight with hands you can showdown otherwise. Try to target around 25% to 30% for best ...
How to fix showdown winnings? - Learning Poker - CardsChat™
Hold'Em Manager 2 FAQs - Poker Software :: HUD Popups Stat ... HUD Stat Name. Description. Name. Players name. Win Rate. Players winrate in bb/100. Total Hands. Total hands played. Net$ Won. Amount won. VPIP. Pct of hands where player voluntarily put money into the pot. PFR. Pct of hands where player raised preflop. WTSD% (When Saw Flop) Pct of hands where player went to showdown. WonSD% Pct of hands ... Interpreting HUD Stats - KieHa Poker Common Stats and Their Meaning . Player Name – Important to know whether you have the right stats. Number of Hands – Important for knowing how accurate the stats are. Went-to-Showdown (WTSD) – Important for knowing when to bluff or value bet
World Poker Showdown. 790 likes. Dear Fellow Poker Lovers: When we came up with the concept of the WPS, we saw a void that needed to be filled for more...
Статы Went to ShowDown и Won at ShowDown - CGM Went to ShowDown (WtSD%) если значение меньше 30, то можно блефовать против такого оппа. Если значение больше 30, то опп далеко идет со своими руками. LeakTracker: Went to Showdown Stat Description: The… Stat Formula: ( Total Times Player Went to Showdown / Total Times Player Saw the Flop ) * 100 This video presentation has been brought to you in conjunction with our poker coaching partner LeggoPoker. WTSD — Покер Вики Материал из Poker-wiki.ru, свободной энциклопедии по покеру. WTSD (Went to Showdown) - статистический показатель, характеризующий, с каким процентом рук игрок доходит до шоудауна. В показателе учитываются и шоудауны, увиденные... Went to showdown - Beginning Poker Questions - Beginner …
Help with went to showdown percentage | No Limit ...
Центр покера в центре Праги. Центр покера в центре Праг. Soft for Poker. Optimal Poker Stats. Optimal Stats for Full Table. Playing many hands is very important before you begin to analyze any of the following stats. Some stats begin to convergeWSD: went to showdown. This number typical falls into the 28-32 range, but varies by your style. It is helpful in identifying potentially major leaks and... How to fix showdown winnings? - Learning Poker -…
Went to Showdown (WtS) This is a measure of how often you were still in the action when the hand went to showdown. Showdown occurs when the final round of betting is complete and at least two players are still in. The formula for calculating WtS is: Went to showdown % = (times went to showdown) * 100 / (times flop seen) Won at Showdown (WaS) My Holdem Poker Tips – how to exploit players' tendencies and ... Poker is a game of SKILL. Luck controls the outcome of any individual hand, but your long-term results depend entirely on your abilities as a poker player. The focus of this site is Online Holdem Poker and my purpose is to help you improve your game. FAQ - Hold'em Manager (HM1) Poker Tracking Software ... Players Preflop Raise stat. 3Bet. Players 3-Bet Stat $ Won. How much money the player has won overall based on your database. AF. Players Aggression Factor. WHWSF. Players Won Hand When Saw Flop stat. WSD. Players Won at Showdown Stat. WTSD. Players Went to Showdown Stat. bb/100. Players bb/100. Buddy. Checkbox for instant buddy classification ... SharkScope - Online and Live Poker Statistics Track your poker statistics and avoid the sharks. SharkScope is the most complete database of poker tournament results available and covers virtually all online poker sites.
WTSD, W$SD AND WWSF STATS - Online Poker Strategy School Jun 07, 2015 · WTSD (Went to Showdown) tells you how often villain goes to showdown. If this is very low it tells you that he often folds before showdown and goes to showdown with good hands. How to fix showdown winnings? - Learning Poker - CardsChat™ This is a discussion on How to fix showdown winnings? within the online poker forums, in the Learning Poker section; Hello. I have been focusing on sngs this year. I've regrinded my bankroll and Showdown percentage - Cash Games - CardsChat™